Friday, 23 October 2009

How to make a clone

First you need to know the ingrediants:

There are three types of clones you can make one is a robo clone or a clone that is just like you. Or you can have a ultimate one that you can age or deage in a day so if your lets say 20 years old you can feed it 20 times in a day and it will be 20 but to deage it you have to feed it a different type of food called deager and it will make your clone 0 or how old young you want it.
Time for how to make your robo clone but first i must warn you that it must be recharged every day for at least 12 hours but the good side is its just about indestructible.
To make your robo clone you will have to get the biggest pot you can find and then you will have to put all UNWANTED metal in there then puts some of your or some one elses blood in there then put just one piece of your or some one elses hair in there but not both then put it on the stove to cook for half an hour. Then turn the stove off and leave to cool.
Once cooled through in info books or UNWANTED!! video games and anything else to make your robo smart but make sure its not to smart other Wise your robo will take over once finished and it'll be all your fault and I'm sure you don't want to make your town or even worse THE WORLD a ghost town or just a mess that you will definitely be cleaning up. You can add stuff about you if you want to and it'll be just like you once finished.
Once you've added all the stuff about you or all the info you can stir until you cant move the spoon then leave the spoon in there. After about a day you will be able to get your robe clone out and put him together because he will come out in chunks and there really easy to make a shape like a hand. When you've made all the body parts you will be able to make a super duper sticky gel that well stick for ever nearly.
To make some super duper sticky gel you will need to get some honey, some double sided sticky take and finally you will need some of super duper cooper sticky glue.

When you've made the gel you can put it in all the joints and then stick it all together and let it dry. It should take about half an hour to an hour. Then you have to buy a lead to plug your robo in to a wall. When you've bought the plug for your robo you will have to plug him in and leave for 6 hours. When 6 hours are over you can start to teach it things that weren't in books that's the fun part.When you have taught your robo the things that weren't in the books you can teach him his name and once he knows its name it will respond to your voice only because it will only know your voice and if you want your freinds to respond they have to spend time with it but you can tell it how many people you want it to respond to so you can have six different people talking to
it to it and only the robot will respond to you and them.

Good Luck